marți, 27 octombrie 2015

ceaiul din plante medicinale-herbal tea

Herbal Tea
Herbal TeaHerbal teas are well known for their effects on health,
helping to cure or relieve certain ailments.
But it is good to know that they can be successfully used for body care, having recognized cosmetic properties.
Tea-infusion of herbs.
For infusion cut fresh herbs and place in a glass bowl or pot metal.
Boil water and pour over the plants so prepared.
Fresh plants do not let it sit in the tea pot to draw only very briefly (30 seconds).
The infusion of the herb should be pale yellow or green light.
Dried plants let stand some time (1-2 minutes).
A tea thus prepared is much healthier and more pleasing to the eye.
Roots is inserted in the indicated amount of cold water, put give some hot and let stand 3 minutes.
The ratio of tea to one day enter into a thermos and drink occasionally a teaspoon throughout the day, according to indications.In general put a teaspoon as indicated in each plant (a plant leading to a quart of water).
Cold herbal extract

Cold herbal extract.
Some herbs may not be scalded, because they would lose strength curative cooking.
This tea with cold water so prepared is also called cold soak or extract.
The amount indicated for each plant leaves in cold water soak 8-12 hours, then macerate heats only slightly, and rations for the day is stored in thermos that has been rinsed with hot water.
The mixture of cold infusion extract is considered the best way to use medicinal plants.

Tea-herbal decoction.
For crushed herb decoction is introduced from the start in cold water boil and allowed, after the liquid starts to boil, simmer 20-30
minutes on slow fire. ... read more ...

Ceaiul din Plante MedicinaleCeaiul din Plante Medicinale
Ceaiurile din plante medicinale sunt binecunoscute pentru efectele pe care le au asupra sanatatii, ajutand la vindecarea sau ameliorarea anumitor afectiuni.
Dar este bine de stiut ca ele pot fi folosite cu succes si
pentru ingrijirea corporala, avand proprietati cosmetice recunoscute.
Ceai-infuzie din plante medicinale.
Pentru infuzie se taie plantele proaspete si se pun intr-un
vas de sticla sau alt recipient nemetalic.
Se fierbe apa si se toarna peste plantele astfel pregatite.
Plantele proaspete nu se lasa sa stea in vas pentru ca
ceaiul sa traga decat foarte scurt timp (30 sec).
Infuzia din plante medicinale  trebuie sa fie deschis la culoare :galben deschis sau verde deschis.
Plantele uscate se lasa sa stea ceva mai mult timp (1-2
min).Un ceai astfel preparat este mult mai sanatos si mai placut ochilor.
Radacinile se introduce in cantitatea de apa rece  indicata,se pun sa dea cateva clocote si se lasa sa stea 3 minute.Ratia de ceai pentru o zi se introduce intr-un termos si se bea din cand in cand cate o lingurita pe parcursul intregii zile, corespunzator indicatiei.In general se pune o lingurita conform indicatiei de la fiecare planta in parte (un varf de plante la un sfert de litru de apa).
Extractul la rece din plante medicinale.
Ceaiul-decoct din plante medicinaleUnele plante medicinale
nu au voie sa fie oparite,intrucat si-ar pierde forta curative prin fierbere.
Acest ceai astfel preparat  cu apa rece se mai numeste si macerat sau extract la rece.
Cantitatea indicata la fiecare planta se lasa in apa
rece  la macerat 8-12 ore, apoi maceratul
se incalzeste doar usor, iar ratia pentru o zi se pastreaza in termos care a fost clatit cu apa fierbinte.
Amestecul de extract rece cu infuzie este considerat cel mai bun mod de utilizare a plantelor medicinale.
Ceaiul-decoct din plante medicinale.
Pentru decoct planta maruntita se introduce de la inceput in apa rece  care se pune la fiert,lasandu-se, dupa ce lichidul da in clocot, inca 20-30 minute sa fiarba la foc
domol. ...citeste mai departe...

Ceai Ingerasii Strengari Nasuc Infundat

Ceai Ingerasii Strengari Nasuc Infundat
Cel mai recomandat amestec de plante medicinale pentru a scăpa din ghearele schimbărilor climatice. O ceaşcă de ceai care te ajută să respiri mai uşor.PRETUL PRODUSULUI ESTE DE 12,90 LEI.CUMPARA ACUM AICI >>> 

Extract de floarea pasiunii

Extract de floarea pasiunii
Imbunatatirea starii psihice:reduce tulburarile emotionale.Imbunatateste somnul, atentia si concentrarea: imbunatareste sensibilitatea receptorilor si eliberarea neurotransmitatorului GABA, fara sa induca sedare sau dependenta. Reducerea dorintei necontrolate de a consuma nicotina, canabinoide, alcool etilic si a manifestarilor produse de intreruperea consumului acestora, a durerilor (si cele de origine virala), a spasmelor musculare, tulburarilor respiratorii, cardiace, digestive, urinare de cauza emotionala. 
Ceai De Ghimbir 100g

Ceai De Ghimbir 100g
Proprietati:coleretic, stomahic, tonic general, energizant, detoxifiant.Recomandari: adjuvant in: stimularea digestiei si a poftei de mancare, colici intestinale, flatulenta, afectiuni ale aparatului respirator, senzatie de voma persistenta, tonifierea generala a organismului, eliminarea toxinelor. PRETUL PRODUSULUI ESTE DE 13,68 LEI.CUMPARA ACUM AICI >>> 

vineri, 23 octombrie 2015

alifii si uleiurile din plante medicinale-ointments and oils herbal

Ointments and Oils Herbal

Ointments and medicinal herbal oils, greases popularly
called, were known and used as folk remedies long before being prepared industrially.
Such ointments quite expensive now commercially can be obtained easily at home, the old recipes.
The results will be the same, but with minimal expenses.
In addition, we are sure that we use the best quality ingredients.
An ointment prepared home has therapeutic virtues as strong
as in the pharmacy, perhaps even more effective, because it is taken down by your hand.
Preparation of Herbal Ointments
For the preparation of ointments chop twice by two handfuls of herbs.
Heat 500 grams of lard, as it would make fried.
Plants fat mix in this hot, let it sizzle briefly in the
pan, stir further, pull the pan off the heat, cover and leave to cool overnight.
The day warms everything easily filter through gauze and cream thus obtained is introduced previously  prepared hot jars.
Preparation of Herbal Oils.
To prepare oils from herbs, flowers or plants jab without stuffing in a bottle to the neck and pour in olive oil cold pressed, so that the oil is covering plants with a thick layer of two fingers.Allow 14 days the sun or near the stove. ... read more ...

Alifii si Uleiurile din Plante Medicinale
Alifiile si uleiurile pe baza de plante medicinale, numite
popular unsori sau iruri, au fost cunoscute si utilizate ca leacuri populare cu mult inainte de a fi preparate industrial.
Asemenea unguente, destul de scumpe acum in comert, pot fi obtinute cu usurinta si acasa, dupa vechile
Rezultatele vor fi aceleasi, dar cu cheltuieli minime.
In plus, suntem siguri ca am folosit ingrediente de cea mai buna calitate.
O alifie preparata casnic are virtuti terapeutice la fel de puternice ca aceea din farmacie, poate chiar mai eficiente, fiindca e facuta chiar de mana dumneavoastra.
Prepararea Alifiilor din Plante Medicinale
Pentru prepararea alifiilor se maruntesc de doua ori cate doua maini pline de plante medicinale.
Se incinge 500 de grame de untura de porc,ca si cum s-ar pune la prajit.
Plantele se amesteca in aceasta grasime fierbinte,se lasa sa sfaraie scurt in tigaie, se amesteca in continuare, se trage tigaia de pe foc,se acopera si se lasa la rece peste noapte.
Adoua zi se incalzeste totul usor,se filtreaza printr-o
bucata de tifon,iar crema astfel obtinuta se introduce calda in borcanele pregatite dinainte.
Prepararea Uleiurilor din Plante Medicinale.
Pentru prepararea uleiurilor din plante medicinale, florile
sau plantele se baga fara a se indesa intr-o sticla pana la gat si se toarna deasupra ulei de masline presat la rece, in asa fel incat uleiul se acopere plantele cu un strat gros de 2 degete.Se lasa 14 zile la soare sau in apropierea masinii de gatit.

marți, 20 octombrie 2015

alunul planta medicinala-hazelnut herb

Hazelnut Herb

Ecology and growth:increase
the plains to the mountains (in beech floor), the bushes, cuts and edges of
woods, bushes, debris and even clearings.
Body plant used:
leaves (Folium CORYLI), bark (Cortex CORYLI) hazelnut.
Harvesting period:
the hazelnut can harvest in June-July.

The hazelnut-Natural  treatments
Internal use: the
hazelnut is antihemorrhagic and disinfectant for open wounds, perspiration.
In internal use herb is used to treat hemorrhoids, varicose veins, edema of the legs, eczema, vitamin deficiencies, emphysema, silicosis,asthma, hepatitis outbreak.
External use: in external use hazelnut is used for healing ulcers, treatment perifeblitei,pecinginelor, boils eritocianoza sweet and lower limbs.
Infusion buds nuts:  the infusion is prepared from 1 to 2 teaspoons of peanut sprouts in a cup of boiling water.
If consuming a daily vitamin deficiencies 250g fresh peanuts.Peanuts are considered a good remedy against hemolytic anemia (destruction of red blood cells), while leaves and husk extract or young branches is considered effective in periflebite (inflammation of the membrane that covers the external fibrous veins). ... read more ...
Alunul Planta Medicinala
Ecologie si raspandire:  creste de la campie la
munte (in etajul fagului),prin tufisuri, taieturi si margini de padure,tufarisuri, grohotisuri si chiar prin poieni.
Organul vegetal utilizat:frunzele (Folium CORYLI), scoarta (Cortex CORYLI) de alun.
Perioada de recoltare:alunul se poate recolta in lunile iunie-iulie.

Alunul-Tratamente Naturiste 
Uz intern:
Alunul este antihemoragic si dezinfectant pentru ranile
In uz intern,planta medicinala este folosita pentru tratarea
hemoroizilor,varicilor,edemelor de la
picioare,eczemelor,avitaminozelor,emfizemului pulmonar,silicozei,astmului
bronsic,hepatita epidemica.
Uz extern:
In uz extern alunul este folosit pentru vindecarea
ulceratiilor,pentru tratarea perifeblitei,pecinginelor,bubelor dulci si in
eritocianoza a membrelor inferioare.
Infuzie din muguri de
alune: i
nfuzia se prepara din 1-2 lingurite de muguri de alune la o cana cu
apa clocotita.
In cazul avitaminozelor se consuma zilnic cate 250g alune proaspete.Alunele sunt considerate un leac foarte bun impotriva
anemiei hemolitice (distrugerea globulelor rosii din sange), in timp ce
extractul de frunze
si coji sau de ramuri tinere este considerat eficient in periflebite
(inflamatia membranei fibroase externe care acopera venele). ...citeste mai departe...

duminică, 4 octombrie 2015

afinul planta medicinala-bilberry herb

Bilberry Herb
Growth:bilberry is met, mountain forests, clearings of forests, juniper bushes and juniper, mountain and subalpine meadows, the entire Carpathian Mountains, especially on shady slopes and wet.

Body plant used:bilberry leaves and fruits.
Harvesting period:bilberry leaves can be harvested from May to
September inclusive, and the fruit matures from July to September.
Bilberry-Natural Treatments
Internal use:in internal use bilberry is used treat the following conditions:diarrhea, enteritis, diabetes,
uremia, urinary infections, kidney calculus, gout, rheumatism, intestinal worms (pinworms), eczema, hemorrhoids, colitis fermentation of rotting colitis,
acuity, old age.
External use:in external use herb is used to treat pharyngitis,stomatitis and thrush.
Natural treatments with bilberries (fruit).
In the morning on an empty stomach, eat 200g cranberry or more, exclusive cure is two - three kilograms for three or four days.
Bilberries cure is indicated for lowering blood urea value, and as an adjunct in the treatment of tuberculosis.
Even once consumed in greater quantity, bilberries significantly improves visual acuity, especially at night,
and regenerate retinal purple. … readmore…

Afinul Planta Medicinala
Raspandire:afinul este intalnit in paduri
montane rarite,taieturi de padure, tufarisuri de jneapan si ienupar, pajisti montane si subalpine,pe intregul lant Carpatic, si mai ales pe versantii
umbriti si umezi.
Organul vegetal utilizat:frunzele si fructele de afin.
Perioada de recoltare:frunzele de afin se pot recolta din mai pana
in septembrie inclusiv,iar fructele la maturitate din iulie pana in septembrie.

Afin-Tratamente Naturiste
Uz intern:in uz intern afinul se foloseste tratarea  urmatoarelor  afectiuni:diaree,enterite,diabet,uremie,infectii urinare,calculoza renala,guta,reumatism,oxiuriaza,eczeme,hemoroizi,colite de fermentatie,colite de putrefactie,acuitate,presbitie.
Uz extern:in uz extern planta se administreaza pentru tratarea faringitei,stomatitei si aftelor.
Tratamente naturiste cu afine (fructe).
Dimineata, pe stomacul gol,mancati 200 g de afine sau mai mult,cura exclusiva fiind de doua - trei kilograme, timp de trei sau patru zile.
Cura de afine este indicata si pentru scaderea valorii ureei din sange,precum si ca adjuvant in tratamentul tuberculozei.
Chiar consumate o singura data,in cantitate mai mare,afinele amelioreaza simtitor acuitatea vizuala,mai ales pe
timp de noapte,si regenereaza purpura retiniana. … citeste mai departe…

miercuri, 30 septembrie 2015

leustean planta medicinala-lovage herb

Lovage Herb
Lovage Herb
It is a multi-annual plant that grows in the garden (the crop).
A bush grow lovage nice and fast.
The stems are hollow, large leaves have a distinct odor and strong.
In Latin it is called LEVISTICUM OFFICINALE.
In German name is LIEBSTOCKEL (love stick) due aphrodisiac properties, and the roots they call MAGGI (hence the brand known company that offers dishes concentrates, soups, sauces, etc.).
Lovage probably comes from Iran, but in the Middle Ages began to be cultivated in Europe.
It is known that King Charlemagne ordered mandatory lovage cultivation in each garden.
As active substances lovage contain essential oils, butilftalide, isovaleric acid and coumarin derivatives.
Lovage-Natural Treatments
As a medicinal plant (leaves or lovage root) is used to treat the following conditions and diseases: dropsy, rheumatism, heart disease, gout.
Lovage good causes diuresis (removal of water from the body) which helps eliminate kidney stones (kidney sand).Also, the herb helps solubilize the bronchial secretion and relieves expectoration.
Beets help in the treatment of diseases of the stomach.Usually, lovage is used in flavoring in soups purposes, but also as a medicinal plant.For tea, lovage is used in combination with other plants.
The treatment of skin eruptions, use a decoction of the leaves and roots of lovage races.
Douches are portions of diseased skin.After 2 weeks the skin becomes again smooth.
In the treatment of stomach diseases races roots and leaves are used chopped, prepared a tincture is concentrated.In people, tradition says that pregnant women should avoid this herb.
It eats plants causing premature births. ... read more ...
Leustean Planta Medicinala
Leustean Planta Medicinala
Este o planta multianuala ce creste in gradini (planta de cultura).O tufa de leustean se dezvolta frumos si rapid.Tulpinile sunt tubulare,frunzele mari au un miros specific si puternic.In limba latina i se spune LEVISTICUM OFFICINALE.In germana denumirea este de LIEBSTOCKEL (betigasul dragostei) datorita proprietatilor afrodisiace,iar radacinei i se spune MAGGI (de unde si marca firmei cunoscute ce ofera preparate culinare concentrate,supe,sosuri etc.).
Leusteanul provine probabil din Iran,dar in Evul Mediu a inceput sa fie cultivata si in Europa.
Este cunoscut faptul ca regele Carol cel Mare a dispus cultivarea obligatorie a leusteanului in fiecare gradina.Ca substante active leusteanul contine uleiuri eterice,butilftalide,acid izovalerianic si derivati ai cumarinei.
Leustean-Tratamente Naturiste
Ca planta medicinala  (frunzele sau radacina de leustean) se foloseste pentru tratamentul urmatoarelor afectiuni si boli:hidropizie,reumatism,boli de inima,guta.
Leusteanul provoaca o buna diureza (eliminarea apei din corp) ceea ce ajuta la eliminarea litiazei renale (nisip la rinichi).Totodata ca planta medicinala  ajuta la solubilizarea secretiei bronsice si usureaza expectoratia.Radacina plantei ajuta in tratamentul bolilor de stomac.
De obicei,leusteanul se foloseste in scopuri de condimentare la ciorbe,dar si ca planta medicinala.
Pentru ceai,leusteanul se foloseste in amestec cu alte plante.La tratamentul eruptiilor de pe piele,se foloseste un decoct din frunze si radacini rase de leustean.Se fac spalaturi ale portiunilor de piele bolnave.Dupa 2 saptamani pielea redevine neteda.In tratamentul bolilor de stomac se folosesc radacinile rase si frunzele maruntite,fiind preparata o tinctura concentrata.
In popor,traditia spune ca femeile gravide trebuie sa evite consumul acestei plante.
Consumul plantei provoca nasteri premature. ...citeste mai departe......citeste mai departe...

luni, 28 septembrie 2015

castan salbatic planta medicinala-horse chestnut herb

Horse Chestnut Herb

Chestnut is an ornamental tree, tall up to 30 cm.It has branched root, strong.
Short trunk, globular crown, dense with thick branches.The bark turns gray early death in tissues that fall into thin blades .Stalks and buds young lenticels opposite, large, glossy
brown, gummy.The flowers are grouped in large panicles, erect rich.
They symmetrical, yellowish-white, stained red.The fruits are green capsules, 3-5 cm in diameter large,spiny, open at maturity in March valve, immediately releasing large seeds 1-2,shiny brown with a high hil, yellow.
Parties Used:Hippocastani floral Flores.
Leaves, Folium hippocastani.
Semen hippocastani-seeds.
Bark-Cortex hippocastani.

The flowers are harvested in late April and May, when opened
more than half of them.
Break or cut with scissors tree blossoms, then pinch the
flowers on stalks.
The leaves are harvested in May and June, without petiole,
each folio by breaking or cutting at the union petiole leaf.
The seeds are harvested in September-October, in stages, as the fall.
Bark - start sap spring, when the buds begin to burst, the smooth young branches in the pan forming crown.
It is made by cutting ring to 10-15 cm and a cut in long distance,yielding tubular fragments without quality wood.
Horse Chestnut-Natural treatments
It reduces capillary fragility.
Use complementary treatment: phlebitis, varicose veins,hemorrhoids, prostate hypertrophy, rheumatic pain.
Internal: form of pharmaceutical products, whereas the limit between the therapeutic dose and
toxic dose is small.
Prepare tincture and capsule form.
External: 1 teaspoon bark decoction of 200 ml water;Tincture of bark and fruits 30%.As compresses, local baths ... read more ...
Castan Salbatic Planta Medicinala
Castanul salbatic este un arbore ornamental,inalt de pana la 30 cm.
Are radacina ramificata,puternica.
Trunchiul scurt,coroana globuloasa,densa,cu ramuri groase.
Scoarta cenusie se transforma de timpuriu in ritidom solzos.
Lujerii tineri cu lenticele si muguri
Florile sunt grupate in panicule mari,erecte,bogate.
Au simetrie bilaterala, de culoare alb-galbuie,patate cu rosu.
Fructele sunt capsule verzi,mari de 3-5 cm in diametru,tepoase,se deschid la maturitate in 3 valve, punand in libertate 1-2 seminte mari,brun-lucitoare cu un hil mare,galbui.
Partile Utilizate:
Florile-Flores hippocastani.
Frunzele-Folium hippocastani.
Semintele-Semen hippocastani.
Scoarta-Cortex hippocastani.
Florile se recolteaza la sfarsitul lunii aprilie si in luna mai, cand sunt deschise mai mult de jumatate din numarul lor. Se rup sau se taie cu foarfeca de pomi inflorescentele, apoi se ciupesc florile de pe codite.
Frunzele se recolteaza in lunile mai-iunie, fara petiol,prin ruperea fiecarei foliole sau taierea petiolului la locul de unire cu frunza.Semintele se recolteaza in septembrie-octombrie, esalonat,pe masura ce cad.
Scoarta- primavara la pornirea sevei,cand mugurii incep sa plesneasca, de pe ramurile tinere netede, in cadrul talerilor de formare a coroanei.Se realizeaza prin taieri inelare la 10-15 cm distanta si o
taietura in lung, obtinandu-se fragmente tubulare, fara lemn si de calitate.
Castan Salbatic-Tratamente Naturiste
Diminueaza fragilitatea capilara .Se foloseste complementar pentru tratamentul:flebitelor,varicilor,hemoroizlor,hipertrofiei de prostata,durerilor reumatice.
Mod de Folosire.
Intern:sub forma de produse farmaceutice,intrucat limita intre doza terapeutica si doza toxica
este mica.Se prepara sub forma tinctura si capsule.
Extern:decoct din 1 lingurita scoarta la 200 ml apa;Tinctura din scoarta si fructe 30%.Sub forma de comprese,bai locale...citeste mai departe...

joi, 24 septembrie 2015

patrunjel planta medicinala-parsley herb

Parsley herb
Besides the use parsley as a vegetable, its remarkable properties make it be used as a medicinal plant.
If the scientific name is PETROSELINUM CRISPUM.
Parsley is said to have the power to strengthen the body's response to disease and that is sustained.
Parsley contains vitamin C.
After being two years in the ground, root becomes thick and
high strain can grow up to 50 centimeters.
Then appear greenish yellow flowers.
Parsley is now rare in the wild and it is best to avoid the gather outside garden, there are possibilities of confusion with plants that have toxic effects.
Parsley contains many active ingredients, essential oils and miristicina.
Parsley-natural treatments
The oil content in leaves sensitizes the kidney and
increases the amount of urine, stimulates sweating and reduces fever.
Parsley is recommended in treating all raw nerve diseases.
Eaten raw or made into a tea help in the treatment of renal
disease, liver treats rheumatism, gout help cure removes kidney stones and treat eczema.
Since the plant are used fresh leaves and roots and seeds from plants older than two years.
Parsley was still in service in the areas of southeastern Europe.
Interestingly parsley in Germany expanded by 820 year ago Charlemagne's order.
PETROSELINUM CRISPUM Latin name means rock-celery and it appears in the writings of Pliny and Dioscorides.
In the writings of ancient healing power of parsley stated in heart disease, stomach and kidneys.
The tea from the roots, seeds or dried leaves is recommended in the treatment of menstrual disorders, digestive disorders, in fever, dropsy,diseases of the bladder, kidney stones.
Fresh juice helps in the treatment of birthmarks (skin blemishes), insect bites and freckles …read more…
Patrunjel Planta Medicinala
In afara de utilizarea patrunjelului ca leguma,proprietatile
sale remarcabile il fac sa fie folosit si ca planta medicinala.
Daca denumirea stiintifica este PETROSELINUM CRISPUM.
Se spune despre patrunjel ca are puterea de a intari reactia
organismului la boli si ca este un fortificant.
Patrunjelul contine multa vitamina C.
Dupa ce este doi ani in pamant,radacina devine groasa si tulpina poate creste inalta de pana la 50 de centimetri.
Atunci apar florile de culoare galben verzuie.
Patrunjelul in stare salbatica este astazi rar si este bine sa evitati a-l culege in afara gradinilor,existand posibilitati de a-l confunda cu plante ce au efect toxic.
Patrunjelul contine multe substante active,uleiuri eterice si miristicina.
Patrunjel-tratamente naturiste
Uleiul continut in frunze sensibilizeaza rinichiul si conduce la cresterea cantitatii de urina,stimuleaza transpiratia si scade febra.
Patrunjelul se recomanda in stare cruda in tratarea tuturor bolilor de nervi.
Consumul crud sau sub forma de ceai ajuta in tratamentul afectiunilor renale,hepatice,trateaza  reumatismul,ajuta la vindecarea gutei,indeparteaza calculii renali si trateaza eczemele.
De la planta se folosesc frunzele proaspete,iar radacinile si semintele de la plantele mai vechi de doi ani.
Patrunjelul se gasea inca din vechime in zonele de sud-est ale Europei.
Interesant este ca in Germania patrunjelul s-a extins prin anul 820 in urma ordinului dat de Carol cel Mare.
Denumirea latina PETROSELINUM CRISPUM inseamna-telina de stanca si ea apare in scrierile lui Plinius si Dioscoride.
In scrierile din antichitate se mentioneaza puterea
tamaduitoare a patrunjelului in bolile de inima,de stomac si de rinichi.
Ceaiul din radacini,din frunzele uscate sau din seminte se
recomanda in tratamentul tulburarilor menstruale,tulburarilor digestive,in stari febrile,hidropizie,afectiuni ale vezicii urinare,calculi renali.Sucul proaspat  ajuta in tratamentul semnelor din nastere (pete pe piele),intepaturi de insecte si pistrui… citeste mai departe…

luni, 21 septembrie 2015

cimbru planta medicinala-thyme herb

Thyme Herb
Spreading: The plant is cultivated on barren land, sand, no stagnant water in the plains until the mountains.
Body plant used: aerial parts of the plant.
Harvest time: thyme harvested before flowering in May.
Thyme-natural treatments
Internal use: for internal use thyme is used to treat the following diseases: enterocolitis, helminitiaze, stimulating liver function, whooping cough.

External use: thyme is used in external use to treat the following conditions: wounds, ulcers, stimulating the peripheral circulation.
Tea (infusion) Thyme:
A heaping tablespoon of herbs brewed with a quart of fresh water and let it sit a bit.
For the treatment of chronic bronchitis (whooping cough and productive cough) - as emergency remedy, give a few sips of hot infusion of thyme, which has bronchodilator effects, soothing expectorant and fast.
For a long-term treatment is recommended powder, which is taken three times a day, a teaspoon.
The treatment lasts four weeks.
In addition, the hot baths with infusion of thyme, which have powerful effects strengthening immunity.
Thyme syrup: flowers and stems collected in the sun, gets wet with wet hands when entering the jar.
Allow all about. 3 weeks in sunny.
As the filtration, flowers and stems dipped in sugar should be washed only with water, then pour the siriop.
The syrup is put on low heat to evaporate without boiling it.The syrup must not become neither too thin nor too thick, so it is allowed to cool once or twice, to probation. ... read more ...
cimbru planta medicinala-thyme herb
Cimbru Planta Medicinala
Raspandire:planta se cultiva pe soluri aride,nisipoase,fara apa stagnanta,din zona de
campie pana in cea montana.
Organul vegetal utilizat:partile aeriene ale plantei.
Perioada de recoltare:cimbrul se recolteaza inainte de inflorire in luna mai.
Cimbru-Tratamente Naturiste
Uz intern:in uz intern cimbru se foloseste pentru tratarea urmatoarelor afectiuni:enterocolite,helminitiaze,stimularea functiei hepatice,tuse convulsiva.
Uz extern:in uz extern cimbrul se foloseste pentru tratarea urmatoarelor afectiuni:rani,ulceratii,stimularea circulatiei periferice.
Ceai (infuzie) de cimbru:
O lingura cu varf de plante oparite cu un sfert de litru de
apa proaspata si se lasa sa stea putin.
Pentru tratarea bronsitei cronica,(tuse convulsiva si tuse
cimbru planta medicinala-thyme herb
productiva)- ca remediu de urgenta, se administreaza cateva inghitituri de infuzie fierbinte de cimbru, care are efecte bronhodilatatoare, expectorante si calmante rapide.
Pentru un tratament de lunga durata, se recomanda pulberea, din care se ia de trei ori pe zi cate o
lingurita rasa.
Tratamentul dureaza 4 saptamani.
Suplimentar, se fac bai fierbinti cu infuzie de cimbru, care au efecte puternice de intarire a imunitatii...citeste mai departe...

duminică, 13 septembrie 2015

marar planta medicinala-dill herb

Dill Herb
ANETHUM GRAVEOLENS is the Latin name of dill, which primarily is known as a seasoning herb.
Dill is an annual plant that grows up to a meter high.
Dill stalk is hollow unlike fennel that looks pretty much.
The leaves are very fine.
Dill exudes an aroma, pleasant because it contains essential oil.
Blooms in late August, early September.
Dill should be considered today as the crop as we find in most gardens.
Use freshly picked and dill seeds.
It should be noted that dill is easy to grow, not only in
gardens but also in pots.
Dill-Natural Treatments
As a medicinal herb, dill is used in combat bloating,
disorders and nerves and insomnia.
As dill herb seasoning match preparations with zucchini,stuffed peppers, fish dishes.
Dill seeds have a special property.
Used in raw seeds taken with a glass of water or tea, combat hiccups.
It can also be used as an infusion.
Under the cruel, a cure semintede dill, fennel and anise (all taken in equal parts) induce a state of peace, comfort and stimulates intellectual yield ... read more ...

Marar Planta Medicinala
ANETHUM GRAVEOLENS este denumirea latina a mararului,care,in primul rand,este cunoscuta ca planta condimentara.
Mararul este o planta anuala ce creste inalta de pana la un metru.
Tulpina mararului este tubulara,spre deosebire de fenicul cu care seamana destul de mult.
Frunzele sunt foarte fine. 
Mararul emana o aroma specifica,placuta,datorita uleiului eteric pe care il contine.
Infloreste la sfarsitul lunii august,inceputul lunii septembrie.
Mararul trebuie considerata astazi ca o planta de cultura,deoarece o gasim in mai toate gradinile.
Se foloseste mararul proaspat cules si semintele.
Trebuie remarcat ca mararul se cultiva usor,nu numai in gradini,dar si in ghivece.
Marar-Tratamente Naturiste
Ca planta medicinala ,mararul se foloseste in combaterea balonarilor,a tulburarilor si a starilor de nervozitate si insomnie.
Ca planta condimentara mararul se potriveste la preparatele cu dovlecei,ardei umpluti,mancaruri din peste.
Semintele de marar au o proprietate deosebita.
Folosite in stare cruda semintele luate cu un pahar de apa sau ceai,combat sughitul.
Se pot folosi si sub forma de infuzie.
Sub forma cruda,o cura cu semintede marar,fenicul si anason (toate luate in parti egale) induc o stare de liniste,confort si stimuleaza randamentul intelectual...citeste maideparte...

joi, 10 septembrie 2015

patlagina ingusta planta medicinala-plantain herb

Plantain Herb
Plantain-Natural Treatments
Narrow Plantain is used primarily against respiratory diseases, especially in the case of abundant mucosal secretions, in whooping cough, pulmonary asthma, even in pulmonary tuberculosis.
Clean stomach like no other plant is therefore suitable for those people who have little or bad blood, liver and kidneys sick, pale appearance that make rashes, eczema, which more and coughing less, are hoarse
and weak.
In asthma lung herb works wonders.
Thyme mixed with equal parts and prepared the infusion
serves against asthma and bronchitis lung.
Such an infusion is recommended and liver and bladder
Tea plantain:
Boil a cup of cold water with a slice of lemon (without skin) and a teaspoonful of brown sugar candy, let it give 4/5 hot, remove from heat and only then add a teaspoonful the mixture of herbs (thyme and plantain).
Let rest for 30 seconds.
In severe cases, tea is prepared several times a day (4-5 times).
Drink as warm.
As you can read in old books about herbs, plant seed combat training calculation, if you take 8 grams daily (seeds).
It is a good remedy and cons wounds.
In this case the fresh leaves applied over the wound.
Plantain syrup:
Twice two hands full of washed plantain leaves pass through meat grinders.
Add this porridge leaves little water to not harden, 300 grams of sugar and 250 grams of unrefined honey.
Let everything simmer with continued mixing until it forms a viscous liquid, pour hot jars and store in the refrigerator ... read more ...

Patlagina Ingusta Planta Medicinala
Ingusta-Tratamente Naturiste
Patlagina ingusta se foloseste in primul rand impotriva maladiilor aparatului respirator,mai ales in cazul unor secretii abundente ale mucoasei,in tuse convulsiva,astm pulmonar,ba chiar in tuberculoza pulmonara.
Curata stomacul ca nici o alta planta,este de aceea indicata pentru acei oameni care au sange putin sau prost, ficat si rinichi bolnavi,infatisare palida, care fac eruptii, eczema,care mai si tusesc putin,sunt ragusiti si slabi.
In astmul pulmonar planta face minuni.
Amestecata cu cimbru in parti egale si pregatita ca infuzia serveste impotriva astmului pulmonar si bronsic.
O astfel de infuzie este recomandata si in bolile hepatice si vezicale.
Ceai de patlagina ingusta:
Se pune la fiert o ceasca cu apa rece cu o felie de lamaie (fara coaja) si o lingurita plina de zahar candel maro, se lasa sa dea 4-5 clocote , se ia de pe foc si abia dupa aceea se adauga o lingurita plina de amestec de plante medicinale (patlagina si cimbru).
Se lasa 30 secunde in repaus.
In cazuri mai grave,ceaiul se prepara de mai multe ori pe zi (4-5 ori).
Se consuma cat mai cald.
Dupa cum se poate citi si in vechile carti despre plante
medicinale, samanta plantei combate formarea calculului, daca se iau 8 grame zilnic(seminte).
Este un bun remediu si contra ranilor.

In acest caz frunzele proaspete se aplica peste rana.
Sirop de patlagina ingusta:
De doua ori doua maini pline de frunze de patlagina spalate se trec prin
masina de tocat carne.
Se adauga acestui terci de frunze putina apa ca sa nu se intareasca, 300
grame de zahar nerafinat si 250 grame de miere.
Se lasa totul sa fiarba la foc mic, cu amestecare continua,
pana cand se formeaza un lichid vascos, care se toarna fierbinte in borcane si se pastreaza la frigider ...citeste mai departe...

miercuri, 2 septembrie 2015

coriandru planta medicinala-cilantro herb

Cilantro Herb
Cilantro is a plant whose home is in Asia.
Science is told CORIANDRUM SATIVUM and popular by region of the country, is called coleandra, anise, sulfur weed, fennel, stinking grass, white pepper or sulfur.
Cilantro contains aromatic volatile oil, which makes this plant to be used in the perfume industry, food industry in the preparation of herbal liqueurs and especially as a condiment and preservative preparations of fish and the meat.
The fruits (seeds) cilantro is used as a stimulant of gastric secretions gastrointestinal stimulant, calming and combat bloating.
The seeds were always used in Iran to eliminate anxiety and insomnia.
Cilantro is a perennial plant, which has a resistant strain, growing flowers as bouquets with white or pink.
When fresh, the plant does not smell very pleasant.
Cilantro blooms from June to August.
From the seeds of the plant are used exclusively.
Cilantro-Natural Treatments
The plant is used to removing intestinal worms, to combat bloating, intestinal colic combat.
Tea (infusion) cilantro:
Two tablespoons chopped seeds, 100-150 ml of boiling water.
Let it pull up to 3-5 minutes, strain.
Drink before meals, three times daily so.
For treating diabetes consuming combined infusion of coriander seeds, each one liter daily, instead of drinking water.
Tea, combat intestinal colic, helps stomach lazy, they appear bloating.
Cilantro seed powder:
The powder is prepared from dry seeds ground with a power grinder.
Store in tightly closed jars.
In the treatment of liver cancer is recommended daily administration of four tablespoons of freshly ground Cilantro powder (that day) in long treatments - minimum of 3 months.
The same treatment is recommended in colon cancer…read more ...
Coriandru Planta Medicinala
Coriandrul este o planta  a carei origine se afla in Asia.
Stiintific i se spune CORIANDRUM SATIVUM,iar popular in functie de regiunile din tara,se mai numeste coleandra,anason,buruiana pucioasa,chimen,iarba puturoasa,piper alb sau pucioasa.
Coriandrul contine ulei volatil aromat,ceea ce face ca aceasta planta sa fie folosita in industria parfumurilor,in industria alimentara la prepararea unor lichioruri de plante si mai ales drept condiment si conservant la preparatele de peste si cele de carne.
Fructele (semintele) de coriandru sunt folosite ca stimulent gastric,stimulent al secretiilor gastro-intestinale,cu efect calmant si de combatere a balonarilor.
Semintele erau folosite dintotdeauna in Iran pentru eliminarea anxietatii si a insomniei.
Coriandru este o planta perena,ce are o tulpina rezistenta,cu flori ce cresc ca buchetele avand culoarea alba sau roza.Cand este proaspata,planta nu miroase chiar placut.Coriandrul infloreste in perioada iunie-august.
De la planta se folosesc in exclusivitate semintele .
Coriandru-Tratamente Naturiste
Planta este folosita pentru eliminarea viermilor intestinali,pentru combaterea balonarilor,combate colicile intestinale.
Ceai (infuzie) de coriandru:
Doua linguri cu seminte maruntite, la 100-150 ml de apa clocotita.
Se lasa sa traga pana la 3-5 minute,se strecoara.
Se bea inainte de mesele principale,deci de trei ori zilnic.
Pentru tratarea diabetului se consuma infuzie combinata din seminte de coriandru, cate un litru zilnic, in locul apei de baut.
Ceaiul ,combate colicile intestinale,ajuta stomacul lenes, cand apar balonari.
Pulbere din seminte de coriandru:
Pulberea se prepara din seminte uscate macinate cu ajutorul unei rasnite electrice.Se pastreaza in borcane ermetic inchise.In tratamentul cancerului hepatic se recomanda administrarea zilnica a patru lingurite de pulbere de coriandru proaspat macinat (in ziua respectiva), in cure de lunga durata - minim 3 luni.
Acelasi tratament este recomandat si in cancerul la colon…citeste mai departe...

duminică, 30 august 2015

mur planta medicinala-blackberry herb

Blackberry Herb

This plant, RUBUS FRUCTICOSUS, is known for its fruit flavored sweet black.
The plant grows in the form of bushes leafy green or slightly towards brown.
Rose bushes from 50 to 150 cm above the ground.
Blackberries grow preferentially laying on the ground, crawling.
After blooming in June-July, fruits consist of many black
berries are harvested joined occur in August and September.

Blackberries-Natural Treatments

The leaves are used medicinally and blackberry fruits.
Herbs contain essential oils, tannins substances and
Plant fruits are tasty and very indicated for the treatment
of anemia states, in laryngitis and pharyngitis.
Blackberry A tea (infusion) which has a strong constipating effects (diarrhea).
The tea used for gargling, combat inflammatory conditions of the oral cavity.
For tea use MUR roots and leaves that are harvested in early spring.
The leaves dry in the shade and stored in cloth bag.
Tea is good to treat kidney disease, promotes diuresis.Depurator effect (clean blood) cure many skin diseases ... read more ...

Mur Planta Medicinala

Aceasta planta ,RUBUS FRUCTICOSUS,este cunoscuta pentru fructele sale aromate,dulci,de culoare
Planta creste sub forma de tufe cu frunze mari de culoare verde sau usor spre brun.
Tufele se ridica la 50 pana la 150 cm deasupra pamantului.
Murele de preferinta cresc intinzandu-se pe sol,tarandu-se.
Dupa ce infloreste prin lunile iunie-iulie,fructele formate
din multe bobite negre alipite apar si se recolteaza in lunile

Mure-Tratamente Naturiste

In scopuri medicinale se folosesc frunzele si fructele de mur.
Planta medicinala,contin uleiuri eterice,substante tanine si vitamine.
Fructele plantei, sunt gustoase si foarte indicate in
tratamentul starilor de anemie,in laringite si faringite.
Din mure se prepara un ceai (infuzie) care are un puternic efect constipant (antidiareic).
Acest ceai folosit pentru gargara,combate starile
inflamatorii ale cavitatii bucale.
Pentru ceai se folosesc radacinile si frunzele de MUR ce se recolteaza la inceputul primaverii.
Frunzele se usuca la umbra si se pastreaza in saculete de panza.
Ceaiul este bun in tratarea afectiunilor
rinichilor,favorizeaza diureza.Are efect depurant (curata sangele),vindeca multe boli de

joi, 27 august 2015

porumbarul planta medicinala-blackthorn herb

Blackthorn Herb
Blackthorn bush,which blooms is among the first after snowmelt.
The plant grows up to three meters high.
Blackthorn is called scientifically  Prunus spinosa.
The blooming period is in March-April.
Fruits are spherical, dark blue to black, resembling blueberries.
Blackthorn grows in sunny woods.
Recently observed blackthorn fruit are covered with a layer of wax strongly reflecting ultraviolet rays which makes the birds that receives ultraviolet find these fruits easily between the leaves.
The taste for sour fruit is sour and unpalatable until the first frost falls.
Blackthorn - Natural Treatments
The plant is known from ancient times, is used to prepare a mixture of sloes (blackthorn fruit), honey and wine, very useful in the treatment of gout and stomach disorders.
It is said that whoever eats the first three flowers of
blackthorn will be featured by fever and gout.
In various diseases using both flowers and fruit of the
plant (sloes).
Blackthorn flowers are useful in kidney and bladder
diseases, as well as constipation.
All flowers are used as a laxative, diuretic and relieves pain are easy.
The tea is brewed from a heaped teaspoon of flowers, scalded with boiling water 250 ml, allowed to shoot a minute, strain and drink two or three cups a day.
In homeopathy, flowers are used in preparations blackthorn to combat headaches and heart disease more ...

Porumbarul Planta Medicinala
Porumbarul este un arbust ce infloreste printre primii dupa topirea zapezii.
Planta creste inalta de pana la trei metri.
Porumbarul se numeste stiintific PRUNUS SPINOSA.
Perioada de inflorire este in lunile martie-aprilie.
Fructele sunt sferice,de culoare albastru inchis spre
negru,semanand cu afinul.
Porumbarul creste in zonele insorite,paduri de foioase.
De curand s-a observat ca fructele de porumbar sunt
acoperite cu un strat de ceara care reflecta puternic razele ultraviolete,ceea ce face ca pasarile ce receptioneaza aceste raze ultraviolete gasesc fructele cu usurinta intre frunze.
Gustul fructelor este acrisor spre acru si nu pot fi consumate decat dupa primele caderi de bruma.
Porumbarul -Tratamente Naturiste
Planta este cunoscuta din vechime,fiind folosita la prepararea unui amestec din porumbe  (fructele porumbarului),miere de albine si
vin,foarte util in tratamentul gutei si al afectiunilor de stomac.
Se spune ca cine mananca primele trei flori ale porumbarului
va fi aparat de febra si guta.
In diferite boli se folosesc atat florile cat si fructele plantei (porumbele).
Florile de porumbar sunt utile in bolile de rinichi si vezica, precum si pentru constipatie.
Tot florile sunt folosite ca laxativ,sunt usor diuretice si calmeaza durerile.
Ceaiul se prepara dintr-o lingurita varfuita de flori,oparita cu 250 ml apa clocotita,se lasa sa traga un minut,se strecoara si se beau doua-trei cani de ceai pe zi.
In homeopatie,florile porumbarului se folosesc in
preparatele pentru combaterea durerilor de cap si in afectiunile cardiace...citeste mai departe...

luni, 17 august 2015

pirul planta medicinala-couch grass herb

Couch Grass Herb
Couch grass herb-AGROPYRON REPENS
Couch grass grows on the outskirts, or in cornfields or barley, on the outskirts of trails and footpaths, near fences, on vacant lots.
It reaches a height of one meter (often 20-140 cm).
Blooms in June-July.
It can gather from March to August.
As a herb, it is very useful root.
Couch grass contains glycosides,  protein, ethereal oils and vitamins A and B.
Couch grass-Natural Treatments
Couch grass is used mainly as a tea in diseases of the
bladder and the kidney.
Treatment with couch grass, has a remarkable property:
promotes sweating which made of old to be useful in the treatment of colds and flu states.
As the blood purifier, couch grass is used in the treatment of liver diseases, iron and spleen.
It also has diuretic, which recommend treatment couch grass in dropsy and skin diseases (eczema).
Has a strong diuretic effect,, which recommends for people with gout, rheumatism, hypertension more ...
Pirul Planta Medicinala
Pirul-planta medicinala -AGROPYRON REPENS
Pirul  creste la marginea,sau in lanurile de grau sau orz,la marginea potecilor si drumurilor,langa garduri,pe terenurile virane.
Atinge inaltimea de un metru (frecvent 20-140 cm inaltime).
Infloreste in lunile iunie iulie.
Se poate culege din martie si pana in august.
Ca planta medicinala, foarte utila este radacina.
Pirul contine:glicozide,triticina,albumine,uleiuri si eterice,vitaminele A si B.
Pirul-Tratamente Naturiste
Pirul se foloseste in special ca ceai in bolile de vezica urinara si cele de rinichi.
Tratamentul cu pir,are o proprietate remarcabila:favorizeaza
o transpiratie abundenta ceea ce a facut ca din vechime sa fie utila in
tratamentul starilor gripale si al racelilor.
Fiind depurant al sangelui,pirul este folosit si in tratamentul afectiunilor ficatului, fierei si splinei.
Are si efect diuretic,ceea ce recomanda pirul in tratamentul hidropiziilor si al bolilor de piele (eczeme).
Are un puternicefect diuretic,,ceea ce o recomanda pentru bolnavii de guta,reumatism,hipertensiune arteriala...citeste mai departe...

marți, 11 august 2015

salvia planta medicinala-sage herb

Sage Herb
Growth:sage is cultivated in south east Europe with highdemands against heat, prefers clay soils, permeable, slightly alkaline.
Body plant used:leaves and flowers.
Harvest time:early flowering leaves collected for the May and June.
Sage-Natural Treatments
Internal use: for internal use sage is used to treat vascular disorders, flatulence (abdominal bloating), dysmenorrhea (irregular periods), asthma, biliary dyskinesia,sweating excessive, asthenia nervous overwork intellectual, chronic bronchitis,diabetes, varicose veins, vaginitis atrophic rheumatism.
External use: in external use herb is used to treat gingivitis, dental abscess, oral thrush,tonsillitis, pharyngitis, purulent wounds, ulcers.
Tea drinking more often strengthens the entire body,protects us from seizures and has very favorable effect on paralysis.
Tea is also used in combat night sweats.
Tea has depurative action too abundant remove mucus from the
respiratory and stomach, stimulates appetite and combat intestinal upset and
diarrhea ... read more ...

Salvia Planta Medicinala
Salvia - SALVIA OFFICINALIS - Planta Medicinala.
Raspandire :salvia este cultivata in zona sud est a Europei, avand cerinte ridicate fata de caldura,prefera soluri lutoase,permeabile,usor alcaline.
Organul vegetal utilizat:frunzele si florile .
Perioada de recoltare:frunzele se recolecteaza la inceputul infloriri prin lunile mai si iunie.
Salvia-Tratamente Naturiste
Uz intern:in uz intern salvia este folosita pentru tratarea afectiunilor vasculare,meteorismului (balonari abdominale),dismenoree (menstre neregulate),astmul bronsic,dischineziei biliare,sudoratia excesiva,astenia nervoasa,surmenajul intelectual,bronsita cronica,diabetul zaharat,varicile,vaginita atrofica,reumatismul.
Uz extern:in uz extern planta  este folosita pentru tratarea gingivitei,abcesului dentar,aftoza bucala,amigdalita,faringita,rani purulente,ulceratii.
Ceaiul baut mai des fortifica intreg organismul,ne fereste
de atacurile de apoplexie si are efect foarte favorabil asupra paraliziilor.
Ceaiul mai este folosit si in combaterea transpiratiei
Ceaiul are actiune depurative elimina mucozitatile prea
abundente din aparatul respirator si stomac,stimuleaza pofta de mancare si
combate tulburarile intestinale si diareea...citestemai departe...