Cilantro Herb
Coriandru Planta Medicinala
Cilantro is a plant whose home is in Asia .
Science is told CORIANDRUM SATIVUM and popular by region of
the country, is called coleandra, anise, sulfur weed, fennel, stinking grass,
white pepper or sulfur.
Cilantro contains aromatic volatile oil, which makes this
plant to be used in the perfume industry, food industry in the preparation of
herbal liqueurs and especially as a condiment and preservative preparations of
fish and the meat.
The fruits (seeds) cilantro is used as a stimulant of
gastric secretions gastrointestinal stimulant, calming and combat bloating.
The seeds were always used in Iran to eliminate anxiety and
Cilantro is a perennial plant, which has a resistant strain,
growing flowers as bouquets with white or pink.
Cilantro blooms from June to August.
From the seeds of the plant are used exclusively.
Cilantro-Natural Treatments
The plant is used to removing intestinal worms, to combat
bloating, intestinal colic combat.
Tea (infusion)
Two tablespoons chopped seeds, 100-150 ml of boiling water.
Let it pull up to 3-5 minutes, strain.
Drink before meals, three times daily so.
For treating diabetes consuming combined infusion of coriander
seeds, each one liter daily, instead of drinking water.
Tea, combat intestinal colic, helps stomach lazy, they
appear bloating.
Cilantro seed powder:
The powder is prepared from dry seeds ground with a power
Store in tightly closed jars.
In the treatment of liver cancer is recommended daily
administration of four tablespoons of freshly ground Cilantro powder (that day)
in long treatments - minimum of 3 months.
The same treatment is recommended in colon cancer…read more ...Coriandru Planta Medicinala
Coriandrul este o planta
a carei origine se afla in Asia .
Stiintific i se spune CORIANDRUM SATIVUM,iar popular in
functie de regiunile din tara,se mai numeste coleandra,anason,buruiana
pucioasa,chimen,iarba puturoasa,piper alb sau pucioasa.
Coriandrul contine ulei volatil aromat,ceea ce face ca
aceasta planta sa fie folosita in industria parfumurilor,in industria
alimentara la prepararea unor lichioruri de plante si mai ales drept condiment
si conservant la preparatele de peste si cele de carne.
Fructele (semintele) de coriandru sunt folosite ca stimulent
gastric,stimulent al secretiilor gastro-intestinale,cu efect calmant si de
combatere a balonarilor.
Semintele erau folosite dintotdeauna in Iran pentru eliminarea anxietatii
si a insomniei.
Coriandru este o planta perena,ce are o tulpina
rezistenta,cu flori ce cresc ca buchetele avand culoarea alba sau roza.Cand este proaspata,planta nu miroase chiar placut.Coriandrul infloreste in perioada iunie-august.
De la planta se folosesc in exclusivitate semintele .
Coriandru-Tratamente Naturiste
Planta este folosita pentru eliminarea viermilor
intestinali,pentru combaterea balonarilor,combate colicile intestinale.
Ceai (infuzie) de
Doua linguri cu seminte maruntite, la 100-150 ml de apa
Se lasa sa traga pana la 3-5 minute,se strecoara.
Se bea inainte de mesele principale,deci de trei ori zilnic.
Pentru tratarea diabetului se consuma infuzie combinata din
seminte de coriandru, cate un litru zilnic, in locul apei de baut.
Ceaiul ,combate colicile intestinale,ajuta stomacul lenes,
cand apar balonari.
Pulbere din seminte
de coriandru:
Pulberea se prepara din seminte uscate macinate cu ajutorul
unei rasnite electrice.Se pastreaza in borcane ermetic inchise.In tratamentul cancerului hepatic se recomanda administrarea
zilnica a patru lingurite de pulbere de coriandru proaspat macinat (in ziua
respectiva), in cure de lunga durata - minim 3 luni.
Acelasi tratament este recomandat si in cancerul la colon…citeste mai departe...