Arnica Herb
With this infusion gargle. … read more…
Arnica Planta Medicinala
It is a herbaceous perennial plant with slightly hairy stem,
about 20-30 cm high, with leaves placed in opposition.
Inflorescence is shaped basket (knob) has yellow-orange
petals in the shape of a tongue.
It is easily confused with other plants, so we recommend a
petal rubbing between fingers, you will immediately feel its unmistakable
Growth: is prevalent in sub-alpine region, rarely in the
alpine zone through hayfields and pastures wet clearings and shrubs.
Body plant used:
plant flowers.
harvest from June to August.
It specifically collect petals without basket (knob) that
holds them.
The petals should be collected only in good weather and
Arnica is a good remedy with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic
and healing.
It is especially recommended for bruising and contusions
(not used for open wounds), laryngitis, hoarseness.
It is used in compresses tincture (20g petals arnica,
macerated 10 days in alcohol diluted 1 / 5-1 / 10 drinking water or water for
For gargling is an infusion of a spoonful of petals to a cup
of water.
Tea (infusion) of
Tea is very good for the treatment of laryngitis.
It is made from 2 teaspoons of arnica flowers, 200 ml of hot

Este o planta ierboasa perena,cu tulpina usor paroasa,inalta
cam de 20-30 cm,cu frunze
asezate in opozitie.
Inflorescenta, este in forma de cosulet (maciulie),are
culoarea galben-oranj,cu petale in forma unei limbi.
Este usor de confundat cu alte plante,de aceea va
recomand,sa frecati o petala intre degete, veti simti imediat parfumul ei
Raspandire :este
raspandita in regiunea subalpina,rar in zona alpina,prin fanete si pasuni
umede,rar prin poieni si tufarisuri
Organ vegetal
utilizat:florile plantei.
poate recolta din iunie pana in august.
Se culeg in mod special petalele, fara cosuletul (maciulia)
care le tine.
Petalele trebuiesc culese numai pe vreme buna si insorita.
Se recomanda in mod special pentru echimoze si contuzii ( nu
se foloseste pentru rani deschise),laringita,raguseala.
Se utilizeaza in comprese cu tinctura (20g petale de arnica,
macerate 10 zile in alcool diluat 1/5-1/10 cu apa potabila sau apa de plumb).
Pentru gargara se face o infuzie dintr-o lingura de petale
la o cana de apa.
Ceai (infuzie) de
Ceaiul este foarte bun pentru pentru tratamentul laringitei.
Se prepara din 2 lingurite de flori de arnica, la 200 ml de
apa fierbinte.
Cu aceasta infuzie se face gargara. … citeste mai departe…