Herbal Baths
Herbal baths are useful in a wide range of diseases because
Baile cu Plante Medicinale
Baile cu plante medicinale sunt utile intr-o serie larga de
afectiuni datorita faptului ca prin tegument sunt absorbite multe substante
active,care apoi intra prin circulatia limfatica si sangvina in intregul
organism,explicandu-se astfel actiunea lor terapeutica.
de dezasimiliare, intensificand meolismul organismului. ……………………………...
Herbal baths are useful in a wide range of diseases because
they are absorbed through the skin several active substances, which then enter
the bloodstream and lymphatic circulation throughout the body, thus explaining
their therapeutic action.
the bloodstream and lymphatic circulation throughout the body, thus explaining
their therapeutic action.
For full herbal bath, plants are put to soak overnight in
cold water.
cold water.
For full herbal bath, you need a bucket full of fresh herbs,
6-8 liters of cold water, or 200 grams of dried plants at 6-8 liters of cold
6-8 liters of cold water, or 200 grams of dried plants at 6-8 liters of cold
The next day, the amount that the full bath is heated, and
the extract is poured into the bath water.
the extract is poured into the bath water.
Duration of full herbal bath- 20 minutes.The heart must stay out of the water.It will not wipe after bathing, but you are getting in a bath robe or towel to sweat for an hour.
Herbal sitz bath.
For herbal sitz bath take only a quarter buckets of fresh herbs or about 100 grams of dried plants
and proceed as full bath.
and proceed as full bath.
Water should be mounted above the kidneys.Must be complied directions from each plant.Water reheating a full herbal bath or sitz that may still be used twice..................................................................................
Another possibility to use water in hydrotherapy is the
therapeutic showers.
therapeutic showers.
Thus, therapeutic showers cold that can be done for 30-60
seconds, strengthen the body and are indicated in debility, anemia and depression.
seconds, strengthen the body and are indicated in debility, anemia and depression.
Cold water has a stimulatory action on both the assimilation process, and the cells katabolism, intensifying detoxification. ……………………………………………………
Steam baths
Steam baths are another form of hydrotherapy, as they, along
hygienic, and have therapeutic properties.... read more ...
Baile cu Plante Medicinale

afectiuni datorita faptului ca prin tegument sunt absorbite multe substante
active,care apoi intra prin circulatia limfatica si sangvina in intregul
organism,explicandu-se astfel actiunea lor terapeutica.
Baia completa cu
Pentru baia completa cu plante medicinale, plantele sunt
puse peste noapte la macerat in apa rece.
puse peste noapte la macerat in apa rece.
Pentru baia completa, este nevoie de o galeata plina cu plante proaspete, la 6-8 litrii de apa rece, sau de
200 de grame de plante uscate la 6-8 litrii de apa rece.
200 de grame de plante uscate la 6-8 litrii de apa rece.
A doua zi,cantitatea respectiva pentru baia completa este incalzita,iar extractul este turnat in apa de baie.
Durata baii - 20 de minute.Inima trebuie sa stea in afara apei.Sa nu va stergeti dupa baie,ci sa va bagati in halat sau prosop de baie ca sa transpirati timp de o ora.
Baia de sezut.
Pentru baia de sezut se ia numai un sfert de galeta de plante proaspete sau cca 100 grame de plante uscate si se procedeaza ca la baia completa.Apa trebuie sa ajunga pana deasupra rinichilor.Trebuie respectate indicatiile de la fiecare planta in parte.Apa reincalzita a baii complete sau a celei de sezut poate
fi folosita inca de doua ori.............................................................................................
Dusurile terapeutice.
O alta posibilitate de utilizare a apei in hidroterapie o reprezinta dusurile terapeutice.
Astfel, dusurile terapeutice reci, care se pot face timp de
30-60 de secunde, fortifica organismul si sunt indicate in debilitate, anemie si stari depresive.
Apa rece are o actiune stimulatoare atat asupra procesului de asimilare, cat si asupra celui
30-60 de secunde, fortifica organismul si sunt indicate in debilitate, anemie si stari depresive.
Apa rece are o actiune stimulatoare atat asupra procesului de asimilare, cat si asupra celui

Baile cu aburi
Baile cu aburi reprezinta o alta forma de hidroterapie,
intrucat acestea, pe langa proprietatile igienice, au si proprietati
terapeutice....citeste mai departe...
terapeutice....citeste mai departe...