duminică, 18 ianuarie 2015

splinuta planta medicinala (goldenrod herb)

splinuta planta medicinala (goldenrod herb)
Plants, prepared as a tea is diuretic, help to resolve sand or kidney stones and bladder.
It contains substances that were used in ancient times for dyeing wool.
Depending on the addition of alum, iron or copper sulfate is obtained colors yellow, golden yellow or olive green.
An ancient recipe says to boil put white wine (one liter) then sprinkle two handfuls of flowers and leaves of plants.
Strain and drink half a cup (50 ml) three times a day.
Goldenrod  contributes greatly to removal of sand or kidney stones.
A patient diagnosed with a renal sclerosis which is manifested by fatigue from the slightest exertion and sweating after treatment done for three weeks with three cups of herbal tea per day has returned to normal.
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 preparata sub forma de CEAI are efecte diuretice, ajuta la rezolvarea cazurilor de nisip sau piatra la RINICHI si vezica urinara.

Substantele ce le contine erau folosite in vechime pentru vopsitul lanei.

In functie de adaosul de alaun, sulfat de fier sau cupru, se obtineau culorile galben, galben auriu sau verde masliniu.

O reteta din vechime spune ca se pune vin alb la fiert (un litru) apoi se presara doi pumni cu FLORI si FRUNZE de PLANTA.

Se strecoara si se bea cate o jumatate de pahar (50 ml) de trei ori pe zi.

SPLINUTA contribuie mult la eliminarea nisipului sau pietrelor de laRINICHI.

Un pacient diagnosticat ca avand o scleroza renala care se manifesta prin oboseala la cel mai neinsemnat efort si transpiratie abundenta, dupa un tratament facut timp de trei saptamani cu cate trei cani deCEAI de PLANTA pe zi si-a revenit la normal........citeste mai departe...................


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